Thursday, April 30, 2009

are you a typomaniac?

Erik Spiekermann is


Poster I made for the black and white film "meshes of the afternoon" You guys should you tube it if you've never seen it before.

Design Dump

Here's an assignment that i collaborated on with JJ from the photo department. He's a bad ass photographer!

Design Dump

This is a set of concert promotional materials i made up for my imaginary band the cycloptic cowboys

The Poster

The Ticket

The Post Card

Design Dump

This is a set of images for a video game based on a pineapple being a cop I came up with

Main Character

New Game

Game Over

Kill Counter

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So how does this thing work???

This is my first blog post ever and I have no idea what i'm doing.... Its kinda intimidating. I figured that I would start out just by putting up a bunch of my design work from this year. Aparently blogging is the new wave of media so i figured i'd try it out. Well here goes nothing!